Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Upcoming and Current Events

As always there are some great things going on at the Art Center. Open Show is still up for another week or so, go check it out. This year was tougher than ever and realistically the judge could have made 3 quality shows from the work submitted. This is your last chance to view this Open Show so come on down before it is gone.

Moving forward the next big event coming up is the 19th annual Gallery of Holiday Shops. This will be taking place in the gallery and at the Art Center on November 8th from 9-4. There will be over 30 different artists and artisans selling there wares as well as a bake sale. Proceeds will benefit both the artists and the Art Center. 


 Remember the Art Center is a non-profit and this is a great way to support the center and the artists. With the holiday season fast approaching this is also a great way to jump start some shopping and to buy handmade local goods from your local community. So come out, buy local, and buy small business!

After the Holiday Shops close the final installment of the Art of the Cretch will be going up in the gallery. The Art of the Crèche III showcases more than 50 nativity sets from many international artists. It is a fascinating group of nativities assembled by an avid local collector. Many of the crèche were purchased from the artists themselves or their local representatives during travels, so many of the stories about their acquisition are also interesting. If you have any out of town visitors coming in for the holidays, this is a great no cost bit of entertainment, although the Art Center will gladly accept donations if you feel so inclined.

Since I can't seem to go to the art center without seeing something cool and different, this is my something awesome for this month. These two large coil pots were created by Lejean Hardin and raku fired last week. Always something awesome to see at the Art Center. Love the shapes, texture, and colors on these pieces. 

If you see something cool going on at the art center snap a pic (with permission of course) and email it to Oak Ridge Art Center at OakRidgeArtCenter@comcast.net. Attention it "For the Blog" so it gets to me, and tell me what you saw. This goes for anybody including instructors, and depending on timing and amount of submissions I'd be glad to post them on a regular basis, because I know there are others seeing some really neat stuff that I miss.

Finally I'd like to point out an ongoing set of afternoon one day workshops that take place at the art center. Hugh Bailey has been teaching some awesome pottery workshops on Wednesday afternoons that more people should be aware of. Each one is a different theme such as dogs, farm animals, or angels. Hugh throws the basic shapes on his wheel before the class and then gives a demonstration on how to put together and manipulate the pieces to make the different creatures. You then get to make your own and the art center bisque fires it for you. At a later date there is a glaze day for all the workshops where you are able to glaze your final pieces and the art center will fire them for you free of charge. These workshops are very affordable, only $30 for members and slightly higher for non-members, and the glaze session is free to anyone that took a workshop. Because the shapes are thrown before the class these workshops are open to all skill levels and even if you have never touched clay before you will be able to do this. Although this session of workshops are winding down the next session will begin Feb. 4th with Elephants. The workshops run Wednesday afternoons 1:30 to 4:30pm so mark your calendars!

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